Revista Educación - Journal of Education ISSN Impreso: 0379-7082 ISSN electrónico: 2215-2644

Project-Based Learning at an Argentinian High School: An Exploratory Study on In-Service Teacher Experience
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Project-Based Learning
Service Teachers
High School
Aprendizaje Basado en Proyectos
Docentes en Servicio
Escuela Secundaria

How to Cite

Corica, A. R. (2020). Project-Based Learning at an Argentinian High School: An Exploratory Study on In-Service Teacher Experience. Revista Educación - Journal of Education, 45(1), 382–397.


In recent years, Argentina has proposed changes to Secondary Education based on a Project-Based Learning approach. The objective of this study is to explore the conditions and restrictions manifested by in-service teachers who teach Project-Based Learning at high schools in Argentina. This study is qualitative and exploratory in nature and based on an in-depth group interview with in-service high school teachers who teach Project-Based Learning. These teachers helped manage a project on healthy eating which included the faculty for the participating grade. The interview was assessed based on analysis of deductive categories. According to the results, when teachers are trained in their specialty area their knowledge becomes biased. This, added to the current structure of high schools, restrict teachers from undertaking the interdisciplinary study required to execute any real-world project. It is necessary to design teaching proposals compatible with Project-Based Learning that will encourage teachers to change their perception about their profession as well as that of their students.  Such training cannot be based on reproducing or storing information, rather, it must be functional and be able to reenact real-life situations.
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