One prerequisite for future scientists involves life skills training for successful performance of job duties. The development of soft skills is even more crucial for interdisciplinary areas such as Medical Physics. The University of Costa Rica provides such an opportunity through their Social Outreach Mentoring Program for undergraduate students interested in attaining research experience. Ludic teaching resources are used to cultivate understanding and enjoyment of this area of study, given its advanced and multidisciplinary nature as well as develop a community of knowledge pertaining to this common interest. Varying student experience and learning based on perceptions from 9 participants including the lab administrator are covered who were asked to share their written both positive and negative impressions of their experiences in the lab with their fellow students. As a result, two undergraduate program participants were selected to speak at an international science conference. Such intellectually challenging activities juxtaposed with an empathetic work environment serve to foster student self-confidence and actively engage students. Didactic materials helped enliven discussion and Students displayed more willingness to share their research, which revealed the high number of undergraduates taking part in research programs. Such mentoring opportunities tap into student empathy and help nurture soft skill development through enjoyable learning experiences as well as foster technical and scientific skills required for future employment.
Cómo citar
Porras-Chaverri, M. A. (2022). Una experiencia didáctica en la formación de personas jóvenes científicas a través de la participación en investigación científica en el Laboratorio de Física Médica Computacional de la Universidad de Costa Rica. Revista Educación, 46(1). Recuperado de http://doi.org/10.15517/revedu.v46i1.43547
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