Revista Educación - Journal of Education ISSN Impreso: 0379-7082 ISSN electrónico: 2215-2644

Factors Affecting Family Coexistence: A Microethnographic Analysis Using Traditional Games in a Mexican Social Group
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Traditional games
Physical Education
Juegos tradicionales
Micro etnografía
Educación física

How to Cite

Coyotecatl Xochimitl, L. M., & Murrieta Ortega, R. (2021). Factors Affecting Family Coexistence: A Microethnographic Analysis Using Traditional Games in a Mexican Social Group. Revista Educación - Journal of Education, 46(1), 221–237.


A qualitative study was conducted to determine factors that impacted family coexistence. The study used a microethnographic design (Creswell, 2005) to examined aspects that did not benefit coexistence among a group of fifth grade students in Central Mexico and their parents. Data was collected through interviews, systematic and participant observation, a survey, which included open questions both for parents and students, a game card and a field diary. The data obtained was analyzed through direct and axial coding which included parent-child coexistence as a unit of analysis according to five categories arising from an inductive approach. The study is based on the sociocultural theory of Vygotsky (1933, cited in Meece, 2001) on learning through interaction, Byutendijik´s (1935) theory of child dynamics and the energy surplus theory by Herbert Spencer (1855, the latter cited in Gallardo-López and Gallardo-Vázquez, 2018). Use of traditional games as a pedagogical resource during P.E. class, served to strenghten the bond between parents and their children. It also promoted greater family interaction and energy expenditure, particularly among preteenagers. Various traditional Mexican games were used in the study, concluding with a fair called Games Played by My Grandfather. Some of the factors that were found to negatively impact the coexistence of the family group studied include poor communication, limited use of free time, indifference to learning, Parent responsiblities at work and excessive use of electronic devices.
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Cómo citar

Coyotecatl-Xochimitl, L. M. y Murrieta-Ortega, R. (2022). Factores que afectan la convivencia familiar: análisis micro etnográfico a través de juegos tradicionales en un grupo social en México. Revista Educación, 46(1). 10.15517/revedu.v46i1.43829


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