Revista Educación - Journal of Education ISSN Impreso: 0379-7082 ISSN electrónico: 2215-2644

Using the Extreme Risk Coping Scale to Confront Massive Emergency Situations: A Case Study of Preschool Teachers in Chile
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Leigh González, C. A., Leigh González, E., & Gómez Zuloaga, S. (2021). Using the Extreme Risk Coping Scale to Confront Massive Emergency Situations: A Case Study of Preschool Teachers in Chile. Revista Educación - Journal of Education, 46(1), 1–17.


This study analyzes coping mechanisms that preschool teachers required to deal with massive emergencies at school, since they play a key role in the comprehensive development of children ages 0-6 years of age. The study uses a combined methodology that includes assessement based on the Extreme Risks Coping Scale and complemented with in-depth interviews. A group of twenty-five teachers were included in the assessment scale and four teachers interviewed. Study inclusion criteria included being a preschool education graduate, willingness to participate in the study and receiving authorization from their school principal or educational institution authorities. Based on the results, the majority of the participants (64%) possessed an active coping style, characterized by a proactive approach to developing situations as well as self-control and a tendency to seek outside support. When analyzing the results, coping mechanisms organized under two categories: emotions and actions. It was concluded that the study participants possessed a predominantly active coping style when facing critical situations, since they were willing to search for outside support is an essential component for the aforementioned coping style. However, it should be noted that absence of formal training regarding the emotional component of emergency coping strategies was also prevalent, specifically, with regards to containment and management of emotions.
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Cómo citar

Leigh González, C., Leigh González, E. y Gómez Zuloaga, S. (2022). Aplicación de la Escala de Afrontamiento Frente a Riesgos Extremos en el profesorado de preescolar en Chile en el contexto de emergencias masivas: estudio de caso. Revista Educación, 46(1).


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