Revista Educación - Journal of Education ISSN Impreso: 0379-7082 ISSN electrónico: 2215-2644

Update of the Postgraduate Teaching Evaluation in a Multicampus University: Experience from the Santo Tomás University (Colombia)
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Educational Evaluation
Teacher Evaluation
Higher Education
Evaluative Research
Evaluación de la educación
Evaluación docente
Educación superior
Investigación evaluativa

How to Cite

Patiño Montero, F., Godoy Acosta, D. C., & Arias Meza, D. C. (2022). Update of the Postgraduate Teaching Evaluation in a Multicampus University: Experience from the Santo Tomás University (Colombia). Revista Educación - Journal of Education, 46(2), 457–474.


This article presents the results of an evaluative research whose objective was oriented to carry out a meta-evaluation exercise of the postgraduate teacher evaluation of the Santo Tomás University, during the period 2017-2020. The theoretical referents are placed in order of the categories: educational evaluation, the evaluation of the teaching staff and evaluative research, as well as the institutional referents that were considered within the process. The research is located in the qualitative paradigm and corresponds to an evaluative research methodology that permitted the eight-step design that oriented the accomplishment of the study. This made possible the meta-evaluation of the teaching evaluation of the postgraduate courses of the Santo Tomas University, where students, teachers, program directors, and deans of faculty participated in the diagnosis, working tables, application of piloting, evaluation of the final instrument, and implementation of the evaluation. The achieved results are presented in coherence with the methodology, considering that institutional policies and procedures were not implemented, together with the fact that the teachers' right to reply was almost nil. On the other hand, the most relevant is the definition of a personalized teacher evaluation according to their work plan, and the evaluation of the performance of the teacher staff hired by order of service provision. All this led to the consolidation and parameterization of an institutional application. Finally, some conclusions of the process and recommendations of a methodological nature are outlined to carry out this type of work in multi-campus higher education institutions.
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Cómo citar

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