This paper constitutes a literature review to explore the concepts related to the task-based language teaching approach and critical thinking; this way, it would be possible to clearly understand what they are and their roles in the learning environment. Education stakeholders are tasked with seeking best practices to optimize education while helping students think critically and learn holistically. Therefore, from a qualitative perspective, the researcher analyzed articles and documents that allowed describing the position of different authors on the proposed topics. In addition, the context of the educational system was investigated to describe its current state and the difficulties it faces, since 2018, education had faced obstacles in the way content is taught and skills practiced. Therefore, it is highly relevant to analyze the learning environment, the importance of tasks, the role of the teacher, the role of the student, and critical thinking. As a result, this paper can function as a basis for a deeper analysis and an open discussion among stakeholders about the importance of developing CTS in young learners.
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