Revista Educación - Journal of Education ISSN Impreso: 0379-7082 ISSN electrónico: 2215-2644

Determining the Effect of Concept Cards on Students’ Perception of Physics Concepts with Concept Mapping Determining the Effect of Concept Cards on Students’ Perception of Physics Concepts with Concept Mapping


Physics Education
Concept Cards
Spider Concept Maps
Science Education
Concept Maps
Educación física
Tarjetas conceptuales
Mapas conceptuales de araña
Educación científica
Mapas conceptuales

How to Cite

Kurt, H. S., & Sari, M. (2023). Determining the Effect of Concept Cards on Students’ Perception of Physics Concepts with Concept Mapping Determining the Effect of Concept Cards on Students’ Perception of Physics Concepts with Concept Mapping. Revista Educación - Journal of Education, 47(2), 1–18.


The aim of this research on student perception in physics concepts about matter is to determine the effect of concept cards specially designed for primary school children with concept mapping. The study group of the research consisted of 9-year-old volunteer students (n=6) studying at a public school in Turkey. As a measuring tool, the spider concept map was selected in accordance with the developmental stages of the children. This map was created on a 3x1 meter giant platform without any concept written. In the first stage, students created their concept maps by placing symbolic word cards on the empty platform. In the second stage, 24 specially designed concept cards were introduced, and the work was repeated. The third stage of the research consisted of a semi-structured interview with the students. In the research, a total of 12 maps were obtained. The maps were scored with the CmapTools program and analyzed with the SPSS Wilcoxon sequential test. As a result of the research, it was observed that the concept cards activated the cognitive images in the students' minds faster (z =2.02, p< 0.05). As a result of the interview, students expressed that they created an emotional connotation by creating a visual image in the perception of the concepts. This research is currently broadcast on Vitamin TV, one of Turkey's national education channels, in terms of the use of concept cards in Turkey, the widespread use of Cmap Tools, and the use of concept maps as a measurement and evaluation tool. It is recommended to study with larger student groups and in different countries on concept teaching with concept cards.


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