Revista Educación - Journal of Education ISSN Impreso: 0379-7082 ISSN electrónico: 2215-2644

Análisis de la cultura lectora en alumnos universitarios
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Habits of reading in college students
reading culture
programs for the promotion of reading in Mexico
Hábitos de lectura en estudiantes universitarios
cultura lectora
programas para el fomento de la lectura en México

How to Cite

Nava Gómez, G. N., & García Ávila, C. (2009). Análisis de la cultura lectora en alumnos universitarios. Revista Educación - Journal of Education, 33(1), 41–59.


The article presents the results of a project for promotion of reading that was developed in the Faculty of Languages of the Universidad Autónoma de México, during 2007-2008, in which a survey was applied to 210 students in order to evaluate the habits of reading and the cultural consumption of that population. The survey was an adaptation of some sections of the National Survey of Reading that was applied in Mexico in 2006. Based on the results of that study the appreciations and opinions on the Permanent Cycle of Readings are analyzed, to explore their reading practices. The results show that the population between ages 18 and 22 reports the highest indexes between the reading populations and consider that reading belongs exclusively to an activity of the scholastic atmosphere. These data agree with the results obtained in the National Survey of Reading of 2006.
Texto completo (PDF) (Español (España))


Referencias extraídas

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