The general objective of this research aimed to analyze the evaluation of the teaching strategies of the Sociology course by students of Medicine at the Universidad de Antofagasta during the second semester of 2020, considering the context of virtuality. The methodology consisted of quantitative research and the design in a descriptive study, where 36 students participated out of a total of 53 who took the subject of Sociology during the II Semester of 2020. Regarding the data collection instrument, the investigators used a questionnaire and analyzed the information through the distribution of percentages and grades obtained. Moreover, the results indicated a positive evaluation by the students of the teaching strategies employed in the subject in the context of virtual education, the fulfillment of student-centered learning, the facilitator role of the teacher, and the approach to the future professional role through the didactics used, highlighting the contribution of medical humanities. As for the study's limitations, the students perceive that the development of asynchronous activities in the course implied a greater academic load; therefore, the researchers recommend improving this aspect. On the other hand, the study provides relevant information for the deployment of educational quality assurance processes in the Medical School of the Universidad de Antofagasta and the development of training in pedagogical skills that incorporate the topic of virtual learning environments.
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