Revista Educación - Journal of Education ISSN Impreso: 0379-7082 ISSN electrónico: 2215-2644

Soil Mechanics Students’ Change in Opinions towards Online Examinations during the COVID-19 Emergency
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Educación superior
Examen en línea
Educación virtual
Higher Education
Online Test
Virtual Education
COVID-19 Pandemic

How to Cite

Baltodano Goulding, R. . (2023). Soil Mechanics Students’ Change in Opinions towards Online Examinations during the COVID-19 Emergency . Revista Educación - Journal of Education, 47(2), 1–25.


The national health emergency as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic has led different educational entities to change how they evaluate students, going from a face-to-face format to an online environment. In general, the perception of students regarding the application of online tests is not precisely known. Therefore, this research aims to provide information to professors about the applicability of the online test as a possible learning assessment tool in civil engineering. The author presents the results of several surveys of three civil engineering groups of students in three different temporal scenarios. To account for the state of students’ perceptions and how they have changed over time, before and during the pandemic, one survey was conducted before the health emergency and two were conducted during the pandemic. Thus, the researcher determined that the perception of the students, from a sample group of individuals from the University of Costa Rica and the Costa Rica Institute of Technology, has become more favorable during the COVID-19 health emergency.
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