Revista Educación - Journal of Education ISSN Impreso: 0379-7082 ISSN electrónico: 2215-2644

Relationship between the Student Population Profile and their Academic Performance in a General Chemistry Course
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Academic Performance
General Chemistry
Student Dropout
Rendimiento académico
Química General
Deserción estudiantil

How to Cite

Carazo Mesén, J., Rodríguez Yáñez, J. E. ., & Fernández Fernández, E. F. . (2023). Relationship between the Student Population Profile and their Academic Performance in a General Chemistry Course . Revista Educación - Journal of Education, 48(1), 1–17.


This study pretends to reveal the results of the statistical study of the performance of students enrolled in General Chemistry 1 at the Interuniversity campus of Alajuela, University of Costa Rica, for the majors of Mechanical Engineering and Industrial Engineering. The investigators carried out the research through a quantitative methodology, with an exploratory scope design, over 10 years (2007-2018), where the profile of the students is analyzed, based on data from their academic records. Moreover, the study shows that 46% of students expect to pass the course the first time they are enrolled, while 70% expect to pass after three times taking it. In addition, there are 20% of the students who, during the period of study of the research, did not re-enroll in the course, which may be related to dropping out of the class or change of campus. Of the variables considered, it can be highlighted that women passed the course in a higher percentage than men, and generally with higher grades. On the other hand, it was found that students from the industrial engineering program had a 15% higher probability of passing the class than those from the mechanical engineering program. Finally, students from subsidized schools show better performance than those from public, private, or open education schools. In conclusion, the importance for the educational institution of knowing and understanding in depth the characteristics of the student group that enrolls in the introductory General Chemistry courses is emphasized. Identifying and addressing the specific needs of the student body represents a fundamental strategy to increase academic success, especially in those courses that, beforehand, have high failure rates. This attention to diversity and the particularities of the students will contribute significantly to optimizing the educational experience and fostering a learning environment in which learners can reach their maximum potential.
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