Disruptive technologies encompass a range of technological advances that have the potential to challenge established methods and practices. In the context of English as a Foreign Language (EFL), the use of these technologies offers the possibility of addressing students' needs by placing them at the center of knowledge creation, while also providing teachers the opportunity to adapt to the digital environment by learning and applying new digital tools. The purpose of this study is to identify and characterize the adaptability of EFL pre-service teachers to disruptive technologies in their pedagogical practice, through an analysis of the key areas of their graduate profile. This descriptive, quantitative research aims to collect measurable data for statistical analysis from a sample group. The study involved seven participants aged 22 to 25 years. A four-point Likert scale with 40 items was used to assess the seven evaluations of each participant's lesson plans and classroom performance, yielding a total of 49 evaluations. The results demonstrated a gradual inclusion and integration of four fundamental dimensions—EFL competence, EFL teaching and learning, adequacy of the learning environment, and the integration of disruptive technologies in EFL—ensuring the development of digital teaching competencies. The study concluded that the traditional model of EFL teacher education, which emphasizes professional experience, tends to marginalize technological knowledge in pedagogical practice. As a result, this disconnect represents an area of opportunity for innovation in ILE teacher education.
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