Nursing Journal in Costa Rica ISSN electrónico: 1409-4568

The trans device: realities, complexities and subversions related to the cisheterosexual system
Brasil (Español (España))

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Folha de Rosto (Español (España))
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Transexuality. Dispositive. Subjectivity.
Transexualidad. Dispositivo. Subjetividad. Salud Colectiva
Saúde Coletiva

How to Cite

Caravaca Morera JA. The trans device: realities, complexities and subversions related to the cisheterosexual system. Enferm. Actual Costa Rica (en línea) [Internet]. 2016Dec.31 [cited 2024Dec.18];(32). Available from:


Introduction: By exploring the cartography of social relationships and interactions between genders, bodies, genders and sexualities in contemporary times, this article is aimed at analyzing the peculiarities, complexities, and realities of the trans dispositive according to the current cis-heterosexual (il)logic.

Development:This paper addresses reflections that revolve around the notion of Foucault's thought of dispositive. The aim is to reveal the impact of the strategies of power-knowledge of the Psychiatric (panopticon) science in the consolidation of the pathologization of one of the polysemic human conditions, here in question the transsexuality.

Conclusion: Through this succinct route it is possible (re) to think the process of pathologization of the trans device, understanding it as a possibility of resistance and answer to the imperative cisheteronormativo and the medicalization of diverse and sometimes ineffable conditions.
Brasil (Español (España))



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