The life of a mother undergoes significant changes after her son / daughter is diagnosed with cancer. The aim of the study is to apprehend the experiences of mothers who accompany their children in cancer treatment. Qualitative study developed with eight mothers accompanying the children in a support house, in the city of Recife, Pernambuco, Brazil. The data collection was carried out through a semi-structured interview in the period from June to July 2014. For the analysis of the data, the method of interpretation of meanings was used, based on the hermeneutic-dialectical perspective. In order to cope with the long day of treatment, many mothers need to leave the job and / or study, competing for repercussions on financial conditions, as well as demands for emotional support from the family. The study unveiled the singularities of the experience of mothers of children with cancer, with reports of feelings of fear, uncertainties, anguish, loneliness and suffering, and ways of confronting the situation to protect the dedication and care that the child requires. It is concluded that in view of the physical and mental exhaustion experienced by the mothers, this study reveals the need of health professionals, being sensitive to the needs of emotional support, as well as developing emotional competence for a comprehensive care of the child and the family, linked to a network of socio-affective support, constituting mechanisms of confrontation for mothers.
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