The objective of this study is to translate and culturally adapt to European Portuguese “EBP Beliefs Scale for Educators” (EBPB-E), “EBP Implementation Scale for Educators” (EBPI-E) and “Organizational Culture & Readiness for School-wide Integration of Evidence-based Practice Survey ”for Educators (OCRSIEP-E); and to provide preliminary validation data. The study was carried out in two phases: translation and transcultural adaptation; and preliminary validation in nursing educators of nine nursing schools in Portugal. Pre-final versions of the instruments were considered easy to understand. But, the participants suggested including the possibility of "I don't know" response and increasing the recall period in the EBPI-E. 68 educators participated in phase II. The α for EBPB-E, EBPI-E and OCRSIEP-E was 0.88, 0.95 and 0.94 and the corrected element-total correlations between the items and the total score ranged from 0.20 to 0.75, 0.59 to 0.84 and -0.06 to 0.78, respectively. Preliminary findings showed a strong internal consistency. It is concluded that other validation studies with more robust samples are needed to prove the reliability and validity of the instruments.
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