Revista Estudios ISSN Impreso: 1659-1925 ISSN electrónico: 1659-3316

The new humanism as an emancipatory proyect
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New Humanism
new academic praxis
Tridimensional Paradigm
Nuevo Humanismo
nueva praxis académica
paradigma tridimensional

How to Cite

Baraona Cockerell, M., Mora Arias, J., & Sancho Ugalde, M. (2017). The new humanism as an emancipatory proyect. Revista Estudios, (34), 332–360.


A discusion concerning the research, debate and intellectual production-work within The Center for General Studies-UNA on the notion of New Humanism in recent years, is developed in this article. Issues refered to the academic implementation of the proposal of New Humanism in the CEG-UNA, is examined as well. First, the article refers briefly to the global and critical circumstances of the XXIst century that could be faced from a new humanist approach. The following section presents an historical perspective on the evolution of the humanist thought, as a necessary introduction to the Tridimensional Paradigm (TDP) of New Humanism. Finally, some of the intellectual derivatives of the TDP are examined. In brief, this essay defends the notion that the TDP of New Humanism can lead to an innovative academic within the CEG-UNA, and maybe also as a universal model for other faculties and universities within and outside the Latin American context.
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