Revista Estudios ISSN Impreso: 1659-1925 ISSN electrónico: 1659-3316

The "mother" of all misfortunes: perspectives on motherhood, reproduction and life in El desbarrancadero and La rambla paralela, by Fernando Vallejo
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Fernando Vallejo
liberal power
Fernando Vallejo
poder liberal

How to Cite

Arce Oses, S. (2017). The "mother" of all misfortunes: perspectives on motherhood, reproduction and life in El desbarrancadero and La rambla paralela, by Fernando Vallejo. Revista Estudios, (34), 188–206.


Queer enunciation is analyzed in two novels by the Colombian writer Fernando Vallejo: El desbarrancadero and La rambla paralela. The discursive practice carried out by the narrative voice and the ideological transgressions that it undertakes never seek to be in agreement with the "normal", the "natural", the "legitimate" or the "dominant" in relation to delicate themes like reproduction, motherhood or life. It seeks to confront, to disturb and to annoy those of "pure" and "calm" mindset that abide by the expected social behaviors; in a few words, it seeks to scandalize the hypocrites and to attest those appreciations about life, motherhood and reproduction that have no space within correctness.
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