Revista Estudios ISSN Impreso: 1659-1925 ISSN electrónico: 1659-3316

Why talk about adolescence?
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Social discourse
relaciones interpersonales
discurso social

How to Cite

Kaufmann Kappari, E. H., & Romero Vargas, S. (2017). Why talk about adolescence?. Revista Estudios, (34), 630–650.


This article is based on research that was conducted at the Institute for Research in Education at the University of Costa Rica. It aims to explore how the constant participation in virtual networks, groups and sports, religious, social or community activities influence the development of the psychological works of adolescence, concept proposed by Ricardo Rodulfo (1992). An instrument of incomplete sentences was passed on 779 adolescents, consulting different aspects of their lives: How do they construct their being in the world? What do they think of this moment of their lives? What are their interests? How do they feel in the relationships they establish? What activities do they prefer? In addition, 9 focus groups were conducted, to explore certain themes identified in the instrument. One of the most important findings of the study is the demand for a more fluid and less conflictual relationships with the adults: their families and education staff. The adolescents emphasize the need for support and understanding from these adults, through dialogue and not through punishment and repression of their ideas.
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