Revista Estudios ISSN Impreso: 1659-1925 ISSN electrónico: 1659-3316

What Spanish spoken and / or written French-speaking students of E.L.E?
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contact of languages
linguistic competence
contact des langues
compétence linguistique

How to Cite

Daïrou, Y., & Úcar, P. (2017). What Spanish spoken and / or written French-speaking students of E.L.E?. Revista Estudios, (34), 478–493.


This article starts by the statement according to which francophone students of Spanish as foreign language bring in certain french lexical and morphological elements; and certain syntactic and semantic structures both in the production of written texts and in oral expression in spanish. The article is about to show the influence of french, first language of francophone-Cameroon, over Spanish used by our students. To that purpose, the main question will be on the analysis of the different types of interactions in order to enable us to better understand the phenomenon in order to improve upon the didactic significance both at the upstream and downstream level.
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