Revista Estudios ISSN Impreso: 1659-1925 ISSN electrónico: 1659-3316

How does educational robotics impact female high school students? An analysis done with Python
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gender; technology; education; LEGO EV3 programming;Python
género; tecnología; educación; programación en LEGO EV3; Python

How to Cite

Hernández Ruiz, I., Gómez Fernández, C., Arce Vargas, R., Loría Valverde, F., & Fonseca Solano, P. (2020). How does educational robotics impact female high school students? An analysis done with Python. Revista Estudios, (41), 618–635.


Abstract: The following work aims to know the impact of educational robotics on high school students participating in the Project "Training of Trainers in Robotics for Schools in Vulnerable Areas in Costa Rica", the young people competed in the Second National Meeting of Robotics organized for the project in the year 2019. In this competition, the participants put into practice their knowledge of design and programming to solve the challenges of the activity. This research presents the results of an exploratory study when analyzing the data of the participating women, a physical survey was applied and subsequently an analysis was carried out using the Python Programming Language, which is a great support in the area of data science.
PDF (Español (España))


Referencias bibliográficas

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