Revista Estudios ISSN Impreso: 1659-1925 ISSN electrónico: 1659-3316

The city from women's perspective: Analysis of mobility obstacles for women in the Monterrey Metropolitan Area
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city; mobility; corporeality; sexual violence; public transportation.
ciudad; movilidad; corporalidad; violencia sexual; transporte público

How to Cite

Rendón Huerta, E. G. (2021). The city from women’s perspective: Analysis of mobility obstacles for women in the Monterrey Metropolitan Area. Revista Estudios, (43), 173–197.


Unrestricted mobility is synonym of power, privilege, and freedom. Nowadays, women face significant obstacles in their urban mobility. Among the main barriers are the neglect of their mobility necessities and patterns as well as sexual violence in the public space. This situation restricts what women can do in the city, and thus their life quality is also damaged. In this frame, this article reflects on how women live in Monterrey Metropolitan Area (ZMM), Nuevo León, Mexico by looking at their mobility patterns. To do this, two mobility studies carried out by third parties in conjunction with the state government are analysed. Two main obstacles are identified by doing so: the difficulty to travel by means other than the private automobile and the daily sexual violence experienced on public spaces.
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