Management of Education ISSN electrónico: 2215-2288

Bioaprendientes academic communities: emergency self-organizing in the context of higher education
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academic communities
living organizations
humanizing management
comunidades académicas
organizaciones vivas
gestión humanizante


This article corresponds to the conceptual advances of research “ bioaprendientes academic communities : emergency self-organizing in the context of higher education “ , which currently is brewing as a doctoral thesis at the University of the Salle de Costa Rica , research project in which learning takes bio - alternative to the field of management in higher education institutions . This is a proposal that aims to stimulate the collective construction of academic communities capable of functioning as living systems , self-organized , dynamic and contextualized with the opportunities and internal and external needs . This theoretical reflection focuses on the trends , patterns and practices of educational management that deserve re-configuradas/re-significadas order to place them in tune with the times, which demands , other ways to live , dwell , work and also to other forms of relationship which involved the other and that.
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