Management of Education ISSN electrónico: 2215-2288

Knowledge management a challenge for educational institutions in Colombia: emergency and tensions from the theory of intellectual capital
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Knowledge management
intellectual capital
human capital
structural capital
relational capital
Gestión del conocimiento
capital intelectual
capital humano
capital estructural
capital relacional


This article is derived from theoretical reflections of the research project “Educational institutions as generators of knowledge for the development of educational management in regional contexts”, where not only knowledge management represents a challenge for the educational institutions in Colombia, but it also becomes a field of tensions and emergencies where converge in interdisciplinary way other disciplines. It is important to note that in recent years, the object of this research study, is becoming an inescapable issue for school organizations seeking to achieve competition held at the time, and which is associated with the generation, use and transformation of organizational knowledge factor. In this sense, it was possible to find currently intangibles become key and resources essential in generating competitive advantages at any educational institution, therefore it is essential to define strategies that enable their management, characterization and timely use. As proposed in the present work, the theory of intellectual capital is the medium through which the management of the knowledge for educational institutions, can be possible since this allows to assess the different activities developed / leads the Organization (projects R & D i, qualification programs, workshops of creativity, creation of patents, technological artifacts, books, etc.) and which not only give account of intangible assets, but that increase future value of the educational organization.
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