In the present paper deals with the theme of the layout epistemological and legal of the professional school counselors (learning disabilities) in Chile from that proposed by the decree 170 in which they were produced limitations on the role, subsequent to the development of the diagnostic evaluation known as educational psychopedagogycal intervention. The text part from the questioning and confusion between the terms education and schooling, used as synonyms, and its relationship with the Psychopedagogy as a profession of specialty for those children who are confronted with barriers in their learning. Examining the actions of mediation and presents the term accompaniment by the commonly used: intervention, as it contains a provision different emotional and binding with the learner. Finally, it is proposed the idea that educational psychology arises from a space school, but that can then progressively move from this toward a liberating education, which may mean an alternative paradigmatic in virtue of what is proposed by the decree in question, which is based on a medical-legal perspective.References
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