Management of Education ISSN electrónico: 2215-2288

The Chilean principals challenge: Leading from an instructional approach to a distributed approach


School leadership is a challenge that requires professionals able to develop a collaborative work culture and oriented to attain high academic expectations. The research associated with school leadership agrees that an effective principal produces a positive effect on the students’ academic achievement. Currently, there are three major leadership approaches, which apply to the educational context. Instructional leadership refers to the development of learning improvement plans, while transformational leadership is associated with improving motivation as well as collaborative work. On the other hand, distributed leadership aims to empower people on the task of assuming leadership roles considering school context. This study uses instructional leadership as a cornerstone to define a basic organizational structure for the further development of more sophisticated leadership approaches. The instructional leadership model developed by Hallinger (2012) is used as a reference to suggest specific actions, based on current research, to develop an effective implementation of this school leadership style.
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