The manager has a considerable social responsibility, for they bear the needed authority to tackle the challenges and promote an inclusive, thus high-quality, education. The purpose of this article is to analyze the management of the inclusive process of students with deafness of the Liceo Dr. Vicente Lachner Sandoval. This article is relevant in the field of educational administration, since it demonstrates how the deaf student population is included in a public school in Costa Rica that has a track record in the inclusion of said population. That is, directors can take it as a reference for their management. A qualitative approach is used, and the method used is the case study. As research participants are the National Hearing and Language Advisor, the director and a group of teachers from the aforementioned high school.They participated in semi-structured interviews and a group discussion. Among the main findings, we see that generic infrastructure in Costa Rican learning facilities do not aid the inclusion of deaf students. In addition, the human resources of the high school have favored the inclusion of deaf students. Regarding this, the presence of the Servicio de Apoyos Educativos is essential to help the educative community. The Costa Rican Ministry of Education, in 2021, promoted a policy, Política Educativa de Promoción de Idiomas, to strengthen bilingualism. Nonetheless, the need for training, financial resources, Internet access, technological devices, sign posting, among others.