Herencia Journal ISSN Impreso: 1659-0066 ISSN electrónico: 2215-6356


Herencia Journal

Current Issue

Vol. 36 No. 1 (2023)
Published January 31, 2023

Founded in 1989, Herencia is an academic publication of the School of General Studies of the University of Costa Rica. The journal publishes texts in Spanish, is refereed and is published twice a year: the first number covers from January to June and the second from July to December. It is mainly dedicated to popular science articles, but it also occasionally edits special issues, biographical sketches, reviews, reprints, interviews, community experiences, old urban testimonies and pages recovered from yesteryear.

Its theme addresses a wide spectrum of problems related to tangible and intangible heritage: cultural identities, archaeology, nature, history, music, literature, visual arts, cities, architecture, craftsmanship, gastronomy, among other cultural knowledge. A particular interest, although not exclusive, is the dissemination of testimonies that give an account of the experiences around the human task related to the revitalization and rescue of the heritage.

Herencia is indexed in the Latindex, Sherpa/Romeo, BibLat, Journal Tocs, Google Scholar, Kimuk and Kérwá databases, the latter two repositories of the University of Costa Rica. It is aimed at an academic public, teachers and students, and anyone interested in the study, reflection and publication of the rescue and revitalization of tangible and intangible cultural heritage.

                                                                                                             Dra. Ivannia Barboza Leitón




La recepción de trabajos publicables se encuentra cerrada hasta que se realice una nueva convocatoria.


February 7, 2024


Ivannia Barboza Leitón, Ileana D´Alolio Sánchez
Cover, Index and Presentation
PDF - Portada, Índice y Presentación (Español (España))


Melania C. Rivera-Romero, Daniela Jaikel-Víquez, Mariamalia Cob-Delgado, Mariela Agüero Barrantes, Marco Arce Cerdas, María José Monge Picado, Mauricio Redondo-Solano, Óscar Andrey Herrera-Sancho
Science in the service of art: observation of two watercolor pictorial works by Fausto Pacheco through multiple analysis
DOCX - HERENCIA 2023 Vol. 36, No. 1. pp. 11-42. (Español (España)) PDF - HERENCIA 2023 Vol. 36, No. 1. pp. 11-42. (Español (España))
Jáirol Núñez-Moya
Trends in State Cultural Management in Costa Rica: ministerial structure and action in culture in 21st century
DOCX - HERENCIA 2023 Vol. 36, No. 1. pp. 44-72. (Español (España)) PDF - HERENCIA 2023 Vol. 36, No. 1. pp. 44-72. (Español (España))
María Andrea Vázquez Ahumada, Ana Lucía Zamudio, Elizabeth Martínez Buenabad
Critical literacy in intercultural contexts: the case of the Bilingual Primary School Emiliano Zapata
DOCX - HERENCIA 2023 Vol. 36, No. 1. pp. 74-92. (Español (España)) PDF - HERENCIA 2023 Vol. 36, No. 1. pp. 74-92. (Español (España))
Luis Carlos Bonilla Soto
Iconography of Saint Joseph in Costa Rica
DOCX - HERENCIA 2023 Vol. 36, No. 1. pp. 94-122. (Español (España)) PDF - HERENCIA 2023 Vol. 36, No. 1. pp. 94-122. (Español (España))
Jorge Rolando García Perdigón
San Pedro, a prominent site in the history of Cuba
DOCX - HERENCIA 2023 Vol. 36, No. 1. pp. 124-144. (Español (España)) PDF - HERENCIA 2023 Vol. 36, No. 1. pp. 124-144. (Español (España))
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