The process of Globalization we live today has put us in front of the necessity of studying History in terms of global processes -namely those that verify themselves in the world level-, not only as a description of events, but from an analytical and scientific approach. This process –so far unique in human history- has been characterized by an integration of international markets, an unprecedented development of technology –particularly the computer science-, a geopoliticsgoverned by the interaction of economic blocks, and the emergence of a global culture. We do not find the existence until 1492, the real unification of the world in terms of markets, because this is the first attempt of constructing a hegemonic global form of civilization that has been called the “Modernity.” This new style of civilization will be characterized by a rational model of thought and a rationalized form of managing economy and politics, the latter known as the Modern State, who will reorganice of global exchange structures in favour of Europe occurs, as the ruling center of the world, and stays in position to impose its Modernity to the other cultures of the
planet. Modernity becomes the foremost model of evolution, development and global progress which impose to the other cultures of the planet.
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