Revista humanidades ISSN electrónico: 2215-3934

The Plinys, the Roman Campania and Plinian eruptions
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erupciones plinianas.
plinian eruptions

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Soto Bonilla, G. J. (2015). The Plinys, the Roman Campania and Plinian eruptions. Revista Humanidades, 5(2), 1–58.


This work contributes new discussion points on four aspects on Plinys, the Elder and the Younger. First, about the poor knowledge that Romans had in the 1st century, about Vesuvius as a volcano, even by naturalists like Pliny the Elder, and then, the surprising eruption on 79 AD. Second, about the contribution of Pliny the Elder to civil defense in ancient Rome, since he assisted the affected people during the eruption, where he encountered his death. The third is about the real causes of death of Pliny the Elder, actually by asphyxiation related to diluted pyroclastic currents. The last point is related to both Plinys’ contribution to Volcanology, and the justice that the term “Plinian eruptions” should be in honor to both of them and not only for the nephew.
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