The monsters in Quiroga are product of the feverish creation of a writer who constructs, in the happening of his characters, subjugated to an environment that asphyxiates them, in a world of disillusion, pain, death, suffering, thirst, anguish. Reading Quiroga's narrative is finding those metaphoric monsters that point out the difficult and ungrateful life that, sometimes, in each of them, holds, limits and reminds them their own smallness.References
Alvarado, O. G. (2010). El almohadón de plumas y las diferencias sexuales a partir del falo. San José, Costa Rica: Editorial Perro Azul.
Quiroga, H. (1990). El hombre muerto. Bogotá: Editorial Norma.
Quiroga, H. (1993). El salvaje. Madrid: Editorial Alianza-Losada.
Quiroga, H. (1992). Cuentos. México: Editores Mexicanos Unidos.
Quiroga, H. (1993). Cuentos de la selva. México: Editores Mexicanos Unidos.
Quiroga, H. (1999). Cuentos de amor de locura y de muerte. México: Editores Mexicanos Unidos.
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