Revista humanidades ISSN electrónico: 2215-3934

Pico e’ lapa: Philosophy of a Tragic Irony. An Aristotelian Reading
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Solano Fallas, A. (2016). Pico e’ lapa: Philosophy of a Tragic Irony. An Aristotelian Reading. Revista Humanidades, 6(2), 1–20.


This paper consist in an Aristotelian reading of four topics, circumscribed within the concept of irony, which appears in a Costa Rican novel Los Hijos del Diablo. Pico e’ Lapa, el último [The Sons of the Devil. Pico e’ lapa, the last one] of Minor Herrera-Valenciano. A brief overview is provided. Then, it will begin on what irony is, according to Aristotle, in order to analyze how the four selected topics are examples of irony. The topics are the following: the decision of a father, to lose fear, on dangerous friendships, and the Silence Law (“Justice”). Each of these responds to Nicomachean Ethics actual topics (decision, fear, friendship, and justice). Instead of studying them individually, they will be encompass as ironic examples of Pico e’ Lapa’s life.
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