Revista humanidades ISSN electrónico: 2215-3934

The Collective Intimacies of the Working Class. Urban Life and Popular Culture in Cities of the Beginning of the XXth Century
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Cultura popular
clase obrera
sociología urbana
planificación urbana
política de la vivienda
Popular Culture
working class
urban sociology
urban planning
housing policy

How to Cite

Calvo Ortega, F. (2017). The Collective Intimacies of the Working Class. Urban Life and Popular Culture in Cities of the Beginning of the XXth Century. Revista Humanidades, 7(1), 1–24.


Often one speaks in reference to the working class of a culture of resistance translated in processes of reappropriation. A thing is true: of a form or of other one, the worker re-prepares with other purposes the structures and the social norms that are imposed on him. But the step to the autonomy act since it comes to mean this reappropriation is according to the resources which he has and changes according to the individual conscience, the familiar group or the political organization of which the individual can be part. There becomes clear, then, a level of self-determination, like margin for the individual freedom, which would allow a type of “interior change” and which there would make possible to resist the norms to everyone and to regulate the intensity and the combination between the ambience of the collective field and the ambience of the private field. The collective morality is constructed in this environment in which the imaginary social one articulates the whole framework of autonomous representations.
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