Revista humanidades ISSN electrónico: 2215-3934

Ogres in the malecu people: on the Choice and the Responsibility in theancient malecu philosophy
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malecu people
ogres (muérra maráma)
agent’s responsibility
third party responsibility
ogros (muérra maráma)
responsabilidad del agente
responsabilidad de terceros

How to Cite

Solano-Fallas, A. (2018). Ogres in the malecu people: on the Choice and the Responsibility in theancient malecu philosophy. Revista Humanidades, 8(2), 1–29.


Responsibility are approached, by means of the figure of the ogre (muérra), given their moral transcendency implied in the malecu narrative. First, it develops how the Choice is manifested in the relationships that ogres held with other groups of beings (the felines, the human beings, the ogres’ family group, and the Gods). Second, it proceeds to deal with the importance of responsibility from two points. The agent’s actions, emphasizing that no-body can’t presume his/her acting has no consequences. The third party responsibility, stating that third party can’t suppose to be oblivious to a situation, just by not being directly affected by it. It should be noted that this paper is from the analytic philosophy approach.
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