Revista humanidades ISSN electrónico: 2215-3934

Art as an Ontological Fissure of Everyday Life
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everyday life, art, ontology
vida cotidiana, arte, ontología

How to Cite

Arechavala Silva, R. (2019). Art as an Ontological Fissure of Everyday Life. Revista Humanidades, 9(2).


Based on the etymology of truth (ἀλήθεια) that Heidegger (1986) does in Sein und Zeit (Being and Time), and taking into account some everyday characterizations that Berger and Luckmann do (1998), I hypothesize that art is an ontological fissure in everyday life. If truth (ἀλήθεια), as Heidegger states, literally means in classical Greek “unconcealment” (the initial alpha of the word is privative: ἀ-λήθεια), what would be the “unconcealment” that art does, since art as well is posed as true in Heidegger? Furthermore, I explore the poetic, which not only refers to the poetic in literature, but also to the most general meaning of poiesis (ποίησις) which means “creation.” Finally, the question inevitably arises as to whether art without beauty or sublimity is possible, or whether beauty is inherent to art. In this part of the article, I review, in very general lines, some theses by Arthur Danto.
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