Revista humanidades ISSN electrónico: 2215-3934

Media Politicization of Justice in Ecuador. Case Study: Ecuavisa
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judicial power
mass media
public opinion
information literacy
poder judicial
medios de comunicación
opinión pública
alfabetización informacional

How to Cite

Pullaguari Zaruma, K. P., & Hernando Gómez, A. (2019). Media Politicization of Justice in Ecuador. Case Study: Ecuavisa. Revista Humanidades, 9(2), 1–23.


The media politicization of justice in the Ecuadorian context is an emergent subject in Latin America from which there is not much information in the academic-scientific field. This investigation addresses this situation for the country, in an environment marked by the media, precisely the channel “Ecuavisa” and the judiciary. The methodology used is the Case Study objectivity with which is intended the empowerment, analyzed through a non-reactive observation, a grid analysis and a semi-structured interview with two experts on the subject. This analysis determines the social and democratic situation of the country and creates awareness about the role the media plays in these situations. The results show that this channel is the most watched and tuned in Ecuador with 28.02% of audience, which has generated in the recent years a great media concentration through the prominence that has been gained, due to the information published. The scenario that the country is living shows a determined political tendency despite of the impartiality-objectivity with which it ́s intended to communicate the news. It was found that the information transmitted on its screen shows great intentionality with the aim of influencing the empowerment of citizens’ thinking-opinion.
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