Revista humanidades ISSN electrónico: 2215-3934

The Beatles: Tradition, Avant-garde... and Expressiveness
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Seguí, M., & Vela, M. (2019). The Beatles: Tradition, Avant-garde. and Expressiveness. Revista Humanidades, 10(1), e39660.


The music of The Beatles, after its enormous success through time, hides diverse secrets that sink their roots not only in the more evident contemporary trends –Pop Art, hippie movement, comic–, but also, in others much more remote and surprising that have to do with the handling of emotions from the harmonic tools of academic music, and with the influence of the visual arts, painting, photography or iconology on the group's albums. The continuous expressive search in The Beatles turned the music of the Liverpool band into a perfect synthesis between avant-garde and tradition because of the convergence between text and sound, and above all, thanks to the use of traditional resources as a the use of chromatism and the secondary dominant.
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