Revista humanidades ISSN electrónico: 2215-3934

Editorial Letter
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Ocampo Álvarez, Ángel. (2019). Editorial Letter. Revista Humanidades, 10(1), e40108.


Humanity is going through a convulsive time. Without mentioning any particular reference - which would always be incomplete anyway - it is visible as a first sign, the emergence of outbreaks and social protests that take the streets of not a few cities along the planet: the activation of the civil society on a global scale. In keeping with citizen mobilization are added the conflicts that left the civil means and reached the armed roads. Maybe you won´t be aware of this, but the truth is World War III has already been fought on various battlefields, arranged in different latitudes, for some time.

The explanations for each of these global phenomena are diverse, but nevertheless it is notorious that they all seem to respond to a substrate of discomfort or indignation in the face of insufficient and precarious institutional channels, imposed globally after the Cold War. The project of the New International Order, Globalization, the Wordwilde and the New American Century that ended in the Make America Great Again, for example, showed the tribal and exclusionary character of these sensibilities. Although rhetorically they summoned and summoned the welfare of humanity, their dynamics have excluded precisely the vast majority, real humanity. His call has been, rather, an invocation to the inorganic and falsely universalized tribe.

This blind invocation of the real conditions of humanity demonstrates that the definitive historical structures of the present have not yet been developed. Thus, it is not surprising that the capacity of understanding of this era is pending germination, that there are no conceptual and categorical structures that elucidate the current reality of humanity. With an obsolete "reason", inherited from times gone by, humanity today cannot understand itself, perhaps also because it has not yet developed. The vague idea that humanity is living in an era of which it is not yet fully aware, is evident, for example, in the postures that call the New Middle Ages or the Postmodernity to the present. Certainly, these denominations reveal the awareness that the historical conditions of modernity have been extinguished, that they did not survive the turn of the century. However, "new" or "post" also shows that this awareness barely warns that the known era is gone, because from the contemporary era all it knows is that it precedes the old one already known. That this is the only thing you can know is the result that the prevailing categories are still anchored in that extinct past.

Today humanity gropes in the present. The comprehensive capacity -at least the western one - has lagged behind to face the present and the future that this consciousness barely sees with apprehension. To the theories of international law, economic theory, science, and even the structure of the same "reason", for example, current reality appears only as epochal contradictions.

Four insoslayables challenges strongly signify this era: the struggle to stop the destruction of the environment; the fight for gender justice; the struggle for access to goods for life, and the claim for cultural diversity. All claims cannot be postponed. Denialism has no place. From your attention you will be able to generate a necessary and contemporary understanding of your own time. A time that resolves the unacceptable discrimination and makes inclusion a central vertebra of common sense and basic and universal reasoning with which to face these unfortunate times. From the resolution of these four challenges, a new anthropological paradigm can be built to overcome the Renaissance model that barely remains of museum remains, or that of the same modernity that struggles cruelly not to leave at once.

With this concern on its horizon, the Revista humanidades hopes to make a relevant contribution to the debate that our time is convulsing. The articles published here integrate authors from various parts of the Spanish-speaking world: Mexico, Argentina, Costa Rica, Spain. On this occasion, we also have 2 articles in English by authors from the Middle East: an analysis of the feminine in the work Shahnameh, by the Persian poet, Ferdowsi; and an analysis of the political situation of the former Soviet republic of Azerbaijan, through the study of the Democratic Party of Azerbaijan in the years 1945-1946.

It is obligatory to mention that the present number 1 of volume 10 constitutes a milestone in the history of the Revista humanidades. From this issue, our Journal is indexed in the prestigious agency Scielo and Redalyc. This means that the journal meets the rigorous international standards of scientific and academic journals. This achievement has not been easy because the process to reach this goal set more than a year ago has faced unfavorable conditions for the humanities. It has been an arduous road that has had to travel.

The future plans of the Journal do not only involve making the necessary efforts to maintain the goals achieved. We work to continue with the ascending process of dissemination and rigor, so that the Journal becomes a decisive instrument in the investigations of authors in the field of humanities, from various parts of the world.
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