Revista humanidades ISSN electrónico: 2215-3934

The Psychopedagogy Section after 40 Years of Service. Contributions in The Training of Teachers at The University of Costa Rica
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teacher training
formación de docentes

How to Cite

Alvarado Calderón, K., & De Mezerville López, C. (2022). The Psychopedagogy Section after 40 Years of Service. Contributions in The Training of Teachers at The University of Costa Rica. Revista Humanidades, 12(2), e50884.


This article presents a reflection about the history and actions from the Psychopedagogy Section, as a component from the School of Counseling and Special Education from University of Costa Rica (UCR). A historical revision is made about the emergence of UCR’s Faculty of Education, as well as the creation of the academic unit that holds the Section. From this point, psychopedagogical aspects are addressed as a field of theory and action, with a social and humanistic lens taken from the specific approaches that the Psychopedagogy Department has offered throughout the years, as well as its limitations and achievements within the national landscape of Costa Rican teacher’s upbringing. Finally, risks and opportunities for the present and future are discussed regarding the impact that this Section has had in the training of Costa Rican teachers, going beyond 40 years of the Section’s creation.
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