Revista humanidades ISSN electrónico: 2215-3934

The Quantitative and Qualitative Approaches as Methodological Support in Educational Research: An Epistemological Analysis
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fundamental research
qualitative analysis
quantitative analysis
investigación básica
análisis cualitativo
análisis cuantitativo

How to Cite

Jiménez Moreno, J. A., Contreras Espinoza, I. de J., & López Ornelas, M. (2022). The Quantitative and Qualitative Approaches as Methodological Support in Educational Research: An Epistemological Analysis. Revista Humanidades, 12(2), e51418.


This article is an essay that analyzes the problem of the technical division of quantitative and qualitative educational research. For its understanding, considers an analysis of the epistemological foundations of the objective and subjective, from authors such as Descartes, Berkeley and Habermas, as well as Kant and Husserl. The executed analysis allows us to observe that the classification between these two gateways is not based on epistemic grounds, yet it is based on the technicality. Both stances use intersubjective processes for the construction of knowledge, therefore, the apparent condition of dichotomy changes into an articulation of dialectical nuances among forms of work. As a conclusion, the classification of educational research from a quantitative and a qualitative point of view reduces an ontological discussion of science to a technicality. A reorientation of the debate about educational research from an epistemological perspective is suggested, avoiding dogmatic reproduction from the training of educational researchers.
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