Revista humanidades ISSN electrónico: 2215-3934

<em>Próceras</em>: A Review of the Founding National Myth Through a Selection of Works by the Artist Tamara Goldenberg
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contemporary art
art history
arte contemporáneo
historia del arte

How to Cite

Cabra, G. (2022). <em>Próceras</em>: A Review of the Founding National Myth Through a Selection of Works by the Artist Tamara Goldenberg. Revista Humanidades, 12(2), e51435.


This article will address a selection of works by the artist Tamara Goldenberg, who problematizes issues about the role of women and femininities in the narrative of traditional Argentine history, recovering the place of female figures through different aesthetic procedures. In this study various productions of the artist are analyzed, such as photographs, an installation and an object-catalogue that invite us, as spectators, to redirect our gaze towards a questioning about the idea of ​​a unique and official narration written and carried out by white cis-males. At the same time, the purpose of this essay is to think of the artistic work of T. Goldenberg as a contemporary contribution within a long, but little spread and documented genealogy of recovery of female figures in the story of the founding of the nation, not only through art, but also through literature and the Argentine press.
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