Revista humanidades ISSN electrónico: 2215-3934

Common Philosophy for Times of Socio-environmental Crisis: Thinking, Feeling and Weaving Differently
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crisis ecológica
ecological crisis
crise ecológica

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Araiza Díaz, V. (2025). Common Philosophy for Times of Socio-environmental Crisis: Thinking, Feeling and Weaving Differently. Revista Humanidades, 15(1), e59502.


This essay aims to vindicate the role of Philosophy as an act of daily thinking, as an attribute common to all human beings, which has been blocked by the capitalist system, mainly in its neoliberal phase, which coincides with a broad and complex socio-environmental crisis, and in the face of which it becomes necessary precisely to activate a collective thinking that allows us to recompose the social fabric and project a more livable and sustainable future, for humans and for other living beings. It is concluded that thinking has to do with the capacity of attention in two senses: to contemplate and to care, so it is not an attribute of special beings, but of all human beings as desiring beings, and in apocalyptic times it is a vital necessity, since the lack of attention that characterizes our present puts at risk all life on the planet.
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