InterSedes ISSN Impreso: 1409-4746 ISSN electrónico: 2215-2458

Didactic Materials and Legal Research Design Instruction: Some Experience-Based Insights
PDF (Español (España))


Teaching Materials
Legal Research
Learning Methods
Activity Learning
Material didáctico
Investigación jurídica
Métodos de aprendizaje
Aprendizaje activo

How to Cite

Baltodano Mayorga, J. D. (2025). Didactic Materials and Legal Research Design Instruction: Some Experience-Based Insights. InterSedes, 26(53), 1–12.


This article offers some insight learned from creating didactic materials to guide students during the formulation of their research proposals in order to graduate as Law majors. To conduct this study, a literature review was carried out along with a questionnaire to students who used the materials. This article analyses research design learning and whether didactic materials contribute to this process. Additionally, it includes a description of the materials, its characteristics, and structure. Based on the students’ responses, the material was perceived positively in terms of content, didactic progression, and capacity to promote autonomous learning. It can be concluded that the materials under study adjust to basic requirements found in the literature, which contributes to interpreting the meaning of key concepts from the field and clarifying procedural aspects behind the rationale of the development of design components.
PDF (Español (España))


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Copyright (c) 2025 Jose Daniel Baltodano Mayorga


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