Author Guidelines
Kañina, Journal of Arts and Letters of the University of Costa Rica is a four-monthly continnous publication of open access, non-profit, dedicated mainly to the dissemination of Costa Rican art and literature, which receives, willingly, national and international collaborations, of high scientific, cultural or aesthetic level coming from academic authors, artists, teachers, writers, researchers and linguists of the area. All articles sent to the Journal must be original and unpublished and will be subject to review by at least two external evaluators or peers (double blind system), and a third party may be called upon in case of criteria discrepancies.
Káñina accepts articles written in Spanish, English, French, mainly, without excluding other languages according to our possibilities of peer review; It will always be necessary to include a summary in Spanish and another in English. The norms of authors are published on the official website; the texts are received, digitally, by means of Káñina's electronic mail, in Microsoft Word format. The Management does not assume any responsibility for the content of the articles. When an article is accepted, the author will receive a notice about the likely date of publication. In the case of articles that require intense proofreading work, the Director or the Editor will send the proofs so that the author executes the work or checks that there are no errors before publishing.
The Management and the Editorial Board of Káñina, Journal of Arts and Letters of the University of Costa Rica, communicate to collaborators the following guidelines to be followed for the edition of the articles in this publication.
The articles must be sent to the Journal Management. They can be sent electronically through the website ( through prior registration or by email They must be prepared in two file formats: Word for Macintosh and as a pdf file.
In addition, the affiliation must be attached (full name, profession and workplace, link of ORCID or REDALYC’author or Scopus ID in case of owning it or personal website or blog), the physical address (postal section) and the electronic mail. In the case of co-authors: the name, affiliations and addresses must be clearly indicated in a similar way. The main qualities should be written as a footnote with an asterisk (* Lic., Ph. D., Dr., Institution). The relevance order of authors and the main correspondence can be clarified.
The Editorial Board of the Journal welcomes both national and international contributions. The articles are supported by a Creative Commons license to protect copyright and free access to articles.
The articles must be original and unpublished and must not be published simultaneously in another indexed journal. People retain their authorship rights and may publish their writings on a personal blog or website or in an institutional repository. They will be able to publish their texts in pre-print, in evaluation or post-print version.
Authors authorize the journal the publication of articles in various formats (pdf, html, xml, epub, among others) and derive them to the databases where the journal is indexed, in the understanding that they will not be used for commercial purposes.
For the elaboration of the articles, the guidelines of the APA Style Manual version 7 are used.
To select keywords use thesaurus:
The articles must conform to the following formal characteristics:
The texts, in principle, should not exceed thirty pages including references and annexes. They should be presented in its final draft, clearly and sharped, double-spaced. If possible, the font used in the text should be Times New Roman 11.
The articles can be written in Spanish, English, French, German or Portuguese mainly.
The title of the article should appear centered inTimes New Roman 14, bold, capital letter and lower case letter. The name of the author should appear stuck to the right margin of the page in Times New Roman 14, italics, capital letter and lower case letter.
The article must include an abstract in spanish and english, 200 words, preceded by the word "RESUMEN" or "ABSTRACT". Include 3-5 keywords in both languages.
Titles and Subtitles must be ordered using APA style version 7. Also references and citations.
The notes will be included at the footnote. It is recommended avoiding excessive use of notes.
Tables should appear numbered with continuous Arabic numbers and enunciated with the word "Table", respectively, example Table 1., Table 2.
The figures, likewise, should appear numbered and enunciated with the word "Figure". This heading and the title of the figure should appear centered at the bottom of the figure, example Figure 1., Figure 2.
The mention of notes and figures must be highlighted with a marker in the Word document.
The images of the articles must have a backup in a separate file, the digital format of these must be psd, jpg or tiff and must be provided in a resolution of 100 dpi suitable for displaying on the internet network.
If photographs or illustrations of authors who are less than 70 years dead, the corresponding written authorization of the owner of the rights will be necessary.
The pages of the article should be numbered in the lower right corner in Times New Roman 11 pts.
Types of documents that are published:
Empirical articles (quantitative, qualitative or mixed) under the IMRD format (Introduction, Method, Results, Discussion). Conclusions can be added. Reviewed by external peers, double-blind system.
Scientific and theoretical essays (IDC structure, Introduction, Development, Conclusions) or the appropriate subtitles that articulate this type of writing. Reviewed by external peers, double-blind system.
Literature reviews whose format includes a methodological section specifying the procedures for collecting information, a discussion and conclusions. Reviewed by external peers, double-blind system.
Book Reviews. Formato flexible. They are usually reviewed by an external or internal peer.
Literary creation, includes short stories or poetry, whose format is free in accordance with this type of writing. They are reviewed by an external or internal peer.