Káñina ISSN Impreso: 0378-0473 ISSN electrónico: 2215-2636

OAI: https://revistas.ucr.ac.cr/index.php/kanina/oai
Review of the Book Tras los rastros de un corpus seropositivo: VIH y sida en la poesída costarricense (1983-2017), by Ronald Campos López (2022)
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Costa Rican poetry
seropositive literature
poesía costarricense
literatura seropositiva

How to Cite

Rojas González, J. P. (2023). Review of the Book Tras los rastros de un corpus seropositivo: VIH y sida en la poesída costarricense (1983-2017), by Ronald Campos López (2022). Káñina, 47(1), 161–172. https://doi.org/10.15517/rk.v47i1.54818


This paper reviews the book Tras los rastros de un corpus seropositivo: VIH y sida en la poesída costarricense (1983-2017), by Ronald Campos López (2022). First, its importance for the studies on Costa Rican HIV-positive literature is exposed; in addition, the relevance of its theme — “forgotten” in the literary academic field— and of the theoretical contributions that support the analysis of Campos López are pointed out. Then, a synthesis of some chapters of the book is offered, where the approaches to the different poems selected by the author are commented. Finally, it is concluded that the book offers a lot of material for an academic, but also for a political reflection, since the study of HIV-positive literature also implies the analysis of the different kinds of knowledge that has built the “disease”.

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