Revista de Matemática: Teoría y Aplicaciones ISSN Impreso: 1409-2433 ISSN electrónico: 2215-3373

Magnetohydrodynamic equations (MHD) generation code


Cartan’s exterior calculus
numerical discretization
cálculo exterior de Cartan
discretización numérica

How to Cite

Frutos Alfaro, F., & Carboni Méndez, R. (2017). Magnetohydrodynamic equations (MHD) generation code. Revista De Matemática: Teoría Y Aplicaciones, 23(1), 41–61.


A program to generate codes in Fortran and C of the full magnetohydrodynamic equations is shown. The program uses the free computer algebra system software REDUCE. This software has a package called EXCALC, which is an exterior calculus program. The advantage of this program is that it can be modified to include another complex metric or spacetime. The output of this program is modified by means of a LINUX script which creates a new REDUCE program to manipulate the magnetohydrodynamic equations to obtain a code that can be used as a seed for a magnetohydrodynamic code for numerical applications. As an example, we present part of the output of our programs for Cartesian coordinates and how to do the discretization.


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