Revista de Matemática: Teoría y Aplicaciones ISSN Impreso: 1409-2433 ISSN electrónico: 2215-3373

Invariant Manifolds in Parametric turbulent Models
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local-equilibrium approximation
turbulent wake
method of differential constrains
invariant manifold
self-similar solutions
aproximación de equilibrio local
estela turbulenta
método de restricciones diferenciales
variedades invariantes
soluciones auto-similares

How to Cite

Grebenev, V. N., & Chernykh, G. G. (2004). Invariant Manifolds in Parametric turbulent Models. Revista De Matemática: Teoría Y Aplicaciones, 11(2), 1–23.


The article is devoted to examining the so-called local-equilibrium approximations used while modeling turbulent flows. The dynamics of a far plane turbulent wake are investigated as an example. In this article, we analyze these approximations by using the method of differential constraints. We show that some algebraic models based on using the local-equilibrium approximation can be interpreted as equations of invariant manifolds generated by the models under consideration. Reduction of the models on the corresponding invariant manifolds made it possible to find self similar solutions and to separate explicit solutions. Moreover, some empirical constants may be calculated and their obtained values are close to the recommended quantities.
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