Revista de Matemática: Teoría y Aplicaciones ISSN Impreso: 1409-2433 ISSN electrónico: 2215-3373

La inexistencia del ciclo de límite en un optimo problema de control de una población de diabéticos


two-dimensional optimal control model
limit cycle
equilibrium state
Hopf bifurcation theorem
modelo de control optimal bi-dimensional
ciclo límite
estado de equilibrio
teorema de bifurcación de Hopf

How to Cite

Bernard, S., César, T., Nuiro, S. P., & Piétrus, A. (2018). La inexistencia del ciclo de límite en un optimo problema de control de una población de diabéticos. Revista De Matemática: Teoría Y Aplicaciones, 25(2), 239–259.


This paper deals with one of the most important public health problem in the whole world that is diabetes, and more precisely its complications. From a model examining the complications or not of a population of diabetics, we associate a nonlinear optimal control problem. Considering the previous, we prove that the equilibrium state exists and is a saddle point. Moreover, we claim the unexistence of limit cycle in such a population, which is an interesting result concerning this world evil. Then we give some examples for which we characterize the equilibrium state which is not necessarily admissible.


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