Introduction: The General Test for the Evaluation of the Integral Development of the Child (EDIN-II) created and validated in Costa Rica, classifies the child population with normal or age-appropriate development (green), with a developmental lag (yellow), or else, with a risk of significant delay (red). However, the results of its application at the population level are not known. The aim of this article is to report the level of development of the infants evaluated during the validation processes of the EDIN-II test. Methodology: A secondary analysis of descriptive and correlational scope is carried out; the EDIN-II test was applied by nursing professionals, during the years 2016 - 2020. A total of 438 children aged 1 to 72 months in different zones of the metropolitan area of the country. Results: 78.5 % (n= 344) have an adequate development for their age and 21.5 % (n= 94) present a delay or risk of delay in their development. Conclusions: The prevalence of risk of developmental delay was 21.5%, with a higher proportion between 12 and 36 months of life.
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Copyright (c) 2023 Ana María Quezada Ugalde, Melisa Edith Valverde-Hernández, Sunny González-Serrano