For decades, Mexico's northern border has been the center of national and international attention for the level of violence generated by organized crime, human trafficking and illicit activities linked to drug trafficking. Due to the economic and social impact of insecurity and violence, there is a need to develop educational actions that promote the construction of a culture of security and peace among adolescents. This study analyzes the role of Mantente REAL in the construction of norms and values that promote inclusive school relationships, conflict resolution, values oriented to selfcare, and the common good among students. Methodology: This study analyzes qualitative information that was collected in 2018 in the context of the implementation of the substance use prevention program Mantente REAL. Information from 10 focus groups with students (n=8) and teachers (n=2) who participated in the program was analyzed. Result: Findings indicate that learning life skills, and using the strategies of the acronym REAL -Refuse, Explain, Avoid and Leave- foster peace and citizenship students participating in the program. Conclusions: Participants engaged in individual and collective efforts to prevent problems such as substance use, bullying and other forms of violence. Recommendations highlight the need to investigate further the potential benefits of implementing school-based interventions with multiple outcomes.
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Copyright (c) 2023 María Hilda García-Pérez, Flavio F. Marsiglia, Stephen Kulis