Breast cancer, a neoplasm of the mammary tissue, being the second most common worldwide and the most frequent in women, presents a multifaceted treatment, considering various factors associated with the disease. Among the therapeutic options, chemotherapy plays a crucial role, employing a variety of lineages and classes of antineoplastic medications, such as taxanes, exemplified by paclitaxel (PTX). Recognized for its efficacy in different cancer stages, PTX represents a valuable tool in the therapeutic arsenal. The impact of breast cancer on the patient's life is significant and multifaceted, largely influenced by the adverse effects that may arise during treatment. In this context, the analysis of factors associated with cutaneous toxicities related to PTX assumes relevance. A systematic review conducted in the Scopus and Web of Science databases, covering publications from the last five years (2019-2023), comprised 26 articles that contributed to a deeper understanding of the topic. The results of this analysis highlight the pressing need for future studies focusing on identifying patients with pre-existing comorbidities, which can significantly influence the outcome of cutaneous adverse reactions. Such targeted investigations are essential to optimize the management of PTX's side effects and improve the quality of life of patients undergoing breast cancer treatment.
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